7 Best exercises for gaining chest muscles | building chest muscles

 human body consist of bones, muscles, tissues, vessels and many more components which are beyond our imagination. Human body is designed in such a way that it always tries to overcome the stress caused to it. Being it mental stress or physical stress, human body always has ways to overcome the strain upon their body. If we look at these ways as defense mechanisms used by body, We could get a lot of knowledge about the functioning of our body. before we start working out, We must know the basic mechanism that our body uses to build up a masculine or bulky body. So, the best way known yet to build some muscles are lifting weights. But why weights? how does weight gives us the strength or the body type we want to look like? here goes the scientific explanation of building chest muscles.

To understand how does our muscle build up. Just learn that the whole bicep muscle you look in your arm consist of muscle fibers, As we lift up the weights these fibers feel the stress and gets broken or damaged, To overcome this situation our body has an amazing mechanism, When you rest after your workout the muscle fibers that you've broken while working out gets repaired in such a way that it could tolerate the stress which caused it to break earlier. Hence they get larger in size. Doing this cycle of breaking and rebuilding the muscle fibers in different muscles of the body increases it's size thus the overall size of the muscle gets increase and this was the simple science behind body building.

Now we would talk about the most effective exercises to build the muscles of chest. As we all know a human chest consist of upper, middle and lower chest.

Slight incline dumbbell bench press | building chest muscles -

Lie on the incline bench and plant your feet on the floor with your butt about 6 inches above the seat. Now slide yourself down so your butt is on the seat without lifting your feet off the ground. tighten your glutes and core. After this grab the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width and hold onto it as tightly as you can. Un rack the bar and bring it directly over your shoulders with your arms straight. this was the starting position. Then take a deep breath in and lower the bar with control to the upper part of your chest elbow angle must be 45 degree. Drive your feet into the ground and explosively press the bar up to return to the starting position. this exercise is for building chest muscles

SLIGHT INCLINE HYBRID PRESS-FLY | building chest muscles -

Set am incline bench to a low incline(15 to 30 degrees), grab a pair of dumbbells and lie faceup. Raise the dumbbells up above you chest with palms facing forward and elbows slightly bent. this is the starting position. Begin exercise by slowly lowering arms down and slightly back until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Pause, then raise weight back up to starting position. Repeat reps until you begin to struggle. Next, hold the dumbbells straight up above your shoulders. Lower weight down to your chest, Pause, then push weight back up to the starting point. REPEAT the reps. This exercise for building chest muscles.

CRUSH PRESS | building chest muscles -

Lie back on a flat exercise bench holding two heavy dumbbells on your chest, palms facing one another. Press the dumbbells together in the center of your chest(this is your starting position). Keeping the dumbbells pressed together, slowly push them to arm's length over your chest(starting position). Keeping the dumbbells pressed together, slowly push them to arm's length squeezing your chest muscles. Slowly reverse the movement, returning to the starting position. REPEAT THE REPS. This is another exercise for building chest muscles.

FLOOR PRESS | building chest muscles -

What makes the floor press unique is that instead of lying flat on a bench press, you will lay flat on the floor with either your legs bent or straight.  As you bring the barbell off the rack, you’ll begin to lower the weight to your chest in a controlled fashion.  The range of motion ends when your elbows touch the floor.  Most people will pause in this position for 1-2 seconds before driving the barbell back to the starting position. This is another exercise for building chest muscles -

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